Lendit very kindly offered a VIP Code for readers of Disruptive Finance to attend their conference. It will take place in San Francisco on 11/12 April at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis If you had to choose one event about p2p lending, marketplace lending, online, digital lending (I am a bit lost with all these new developments…), then Lendit is(…)
p2p lending
Blackstone: Shadow Banking enters Online Lending
“The start-ups that have come to dominate the online-lending industry will now have to compete with the world’s largest private-equity firm.
B2R Holdings, a portfolio company of a Blackstone Group fund, said on Thursday that it was getting into the business of providing loans for consumer purchases of big-ticket items as well as small-businesses loans.”
First P2P Lender to Fold in Europe: What Next?
“In an unsettling about face TrustBuddy, a peer to peer lending platform based in Stockholm, has shut down. The home page has transitioned from lending platform into a public statement (republished below) in both Swedish and English explaining a series of alleged misconduct”
VIP Code for Lendit Europe
Lendit Europe very kindly offered a VIP Code for readers of Disruptive Finance to attend their conference. It will take place in London on 20/21 October at the Hilton Metropole. If you had to choose one event about p2p lending, marketplace lending, online lending (I am a bit lost with all these new developments…), then Lendit is definitely the(…)
SoFi: a Fintech that uses Techniques from Traditional Investment Banks
“SoFi, a marketplace lender, announced it has priced a securitization of $417.6 million in refinanced student loans. It also announced SoFi was considered the first fintech company to receive an “AAA” rating from DBRS and an “AA2″ from Moody’s for the senior notes, which equaled $387.3 million.”
If you can’t beat them, join them: Goldman Sachs enters Fintech.
If you liked “Invest in the Disruptors”, you will love “Disrupt the Disruptors”… Goldman Sachs has been a very active investor in Fintech (and Tech in general), with the latest investment in Circle (Bitcoin), but also CompareAsiaGroup (Comparison website for financial services), Oscar (Challenger Insurance) or Kensho (Data analytics for finance) for example. But what(…)
How a Fintech company could lose $200m. In one day.
A bank can lose money because it takes risks on its balance sheet, but what about a Fintech startup that only acts as an intermediary ? I wrote in a previous article about the financial concept of Principal vs. Agent, and how disruptive finance has seen a lot of companies focus on being Agents, in(…)
What is the market size of peer to peer finance ?
“Peer-to-peer lending is growing fast in many countries. In Britain, loan volumes are doubling every six months.” (The Economist, March 1st, 2014) Peer to peer finance, i.e. p2p lending to consumers, p2p lending to businesses and crowdfunding, is definitely growing very quickly, and is attracting a lot of attention – from the finance industry, but(…)
Will peer-to-peer lending revolutionize lending ?
“Hopefully, the growth of peer-to-peer lenders and those involved in crowd-funding will help solve the problems we have with lending for small and medium enterprises..” (Andrew Haldane, Bank of England, 2012). It is certainly very rare to have such an endorsement from a Central Bank about a financial innovation. P2p lending certainly has a lot(…)