
What is the market size of peer to peer finance ?

What is the market size of peer to peer finance ?

“Peer-to-peer lending is growing fast in many countries. In Britain, loan volumes are doubling every six months.” (The Economist, March 1st, 2014) Peer to peer finance, i.e. p2p lending to consumers, p2p lending to businesses and crowdfunding, is definitely growing very quickly, and is attracting a lot of attention – from the finance industry, but(…)

Will peer-to-peer lending revolutionize lending ?

Will peer-to-peer lending revolutionize lending ?

“Hopefully, the growth of peer-to-peer lenders and those involved in crowd-funding will help solve the problems we have with lending for small and medium enterprises..” (Andrew Haldane, Bank of England, 2012). It is certainly very rare to have such an endorsement from a Central Bank about a financial innovation. P2p lending certainly has a lot(…)