If you want a bit of reading for the summer, here is a list of Fintech blogs I particularly like. This is totally biased and non-objective and I’m sure I missed many interesting blogs*. Since Disruptive Finance and Fintech is my “night job” and not my “day job”, getting interesting and relevant information through Twitter and blogs(…)
Is more data good or bad for finance? And society?
A standard line you hear from fintech promoters is that innovative digital technologies can liberate the world by bringing financial services to the financially excluded.
Yet, as we’ve noted on numerous occasions, there’s something disingenuous about this claim.”
Singapore Financial Regulator Launches Fintech Group
The central bank has formed a new work group to develop strategies and formulate regulation around the use of new technologies in financial services.. Read more at straitstimes.com.
Ex Google Boss Launches Credit Scoring Startup
Dan Cobley has co-founded ClearScore, which opened to the public today. His fintech company builder Brightbridge is putting £10 million into the business.
Fintech startups: compete or collaborate with traditional finance?
Consider these two statements : “The party’s over, for the banks at least” (Transferwise) “Today we are announcing an exciting new partnership with Santander UK, …” (Funding Circle) These statements were made by Transferwise and Funding Circle, two very well known Fintech startups. Both were created a few years ago, both are Unicorns (i.e.valued more than(…)
Ethics is a pre-requisite for Fintech
If, like me, you think that Fintech will revolutionise Finance. If, like me, you think that Finance 2.0 needs very strong Ethics and Values. View image | gettyimages.com Then read my submission to the Fintech Book here And help that article be selected by recommending it (end of the Medium page) And by(…)
Who are the Top Fintech Influencers? By CityAM
I love these lists – especially when I am in there ! This list is comprised of people who are building great disruptive startups, like Samir Desai at Funding Circle, or people who are building the Fintech ecosystem, like Nektarios Liolios at StartupBootCamp. And me? My involvement to Fintech is mainly through Disruptive Finance and advising startups,(…)
Citi Mobile Challenge: the next gen Hackathon?
With thousand of startups working on the next financial innovations, it is clear that banks – despite all their resources – will find it challenging to be at the forefront of innovation. On the other hand, banks know that they will have to adapt to the world of Finance 2.0 and we have seen many(…)
Update: Spain now ahead of New York in Fintech!
Further to my previous blog on the world ranking of Fintech places based on Twitter followers, there was some healthy discussions that were well summarised by Silvia Mensdorff: @Huynguyentrieu Love the rain of reactions your blog provocateur has sparked. Looking forward to the updated #fintech twitter ranking — Silvia Mensdorff (@silviamensdorff) December 13, 2014 Of(…)
Fintech: London losing ground to Hong Kong and New York, says Twitter
“I want the UK to lead the world in developing Fintech. That’s my ambition – short and sweet.” (George Osborne, UK Chancellor at the launch of Innovate Finance) And as evidenced by the multiple initiatives coming from the Silicon Valley, New York, Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin, Singapore, Hong Kong, Sydney and many others, this is clearly(…)